How can you help me?

As your financial coach, my job is to help you figure out the best strategy for YOU to manage your money. I will set up a personalized spending plan and help you learn to use it to reach your goals. I will help you to see what you’ve been spending your money on, and how to best make that spending align with your values. Working with me does not mean you can’t enjoy a concert, or even go on a nice vacation. It simply means that you will have a plan for that concert or vacation so that when you come home from that awesome experience there won’t be a huge scary bill waiting for you - you will already have that money set aside and ready to pay for it.

Is there anything you don’t do?

One of the beautiful things about financial coaching is that I am simply there to help you with your money, not to sell you anything. I won’t be selling you insurance products or selling you investments. I’m also not a tax professional, so I do not give tax advice beyond helping you figure out ways to save for taxes if you need to pay in quarterly. When you are ready for any of those services, I will be happy to help you find professionals you can trust.

Another thing that I want all of my clients to feel secure in is that your private information remains completely in your control. I will never request log in information from you for any of your bill or banking services. While I may ask you to log in and help you look those over, I ask that you never share any access information with me.

I don’t live in Vermont, where will we meet?

All of my appointments are done virtually using Zoom, a free video conference software. You get to sit in the comfort of your own space and I find that helps people feel more at ease. We chat face to face, which is important for me as your coach. So much of what we say isn’t spoken aloud, and its important for me to be able to see how you react to what we’re talking about. Don’t worry, the tech is simple and I will give you instructions on how to set it up!

How do you balance the YOLO mentality (You Only Live Once) while still planning for your future? You CAN enjoy the ride through life as you work toward your long term goals. A little planning goes a long way, and that’s just one of the things I love helping people do! You can have fun and leave the guilt behind.

This sounds like just what I need, how do we start?

It all starts with the consult:

  • A free consult call where you can schedule a time and we will get onto Zoom to video chat about if coaching is a right fit for you. We will talk about where you are with your feelings about life and/or money right now, what your situation is currently and where you want to be and the role coaching can play in helping you to get there.